The programme for Fearless Cities is out!
We are thrilled that the municipalist summit we have been working on all year (with partners from Opus Independents, Citizen Network and European Municipalist Network) is now very near. Come join us in Sheffield 2-3 November for a weekend of discussion, learning and making new connections.
Here’s the programme:
Here is the web link for the programme, if that is easier.
You can register from this link
The summit, which aims to rethink local democracy through different themes, takes place over Saturday and Sunday, with fringe programme on Friday evening for those arriving early.
We have curated sessions on: accountability in local government with Mel Stevens from the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny and Ruth Hubbard, a local Sheffield campaigner; on data and democracy with our allies People’s Audit and mySociety plus international speakers from Barcelona En Comú and Naples Debt Audit; on building autonomy through co-operation with various worker and housing co-operatives and the Solidarity Economy Association; and Public-Commons Partnerships and remunicipalisation with Abundance, Get Glasgow Moving and French municipalists.
There is of course lots more happening – from citizen assemblies to anti-racist cities, and land rights to different approaches to care.
And we’ll be talking about our work in relation to accountability – expect to see our report on councillors’ experiences of scrutiny out in time for the summit.
We look forward to seeing you in Sheffield.